The Supreme Council
of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Official Website

News of the Committees

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The Committee on Agro-Industrial Complex, Industry, Transport, Construction and Natural Resources considered law-in-draft on amendments to the law "On conducting a tax experiment in 2025-2026 to grant certain categories of taxpayers the right to apply a special procedure for calculating payments for environmental pollution and the use of natural resources".


Deputies of the Committee on Economic Policy, Budget and Finance considered in two readings at once the draft amendments to the law "On the Republican Budget for 2025". The PMR President proposed to direct the remainder of the republican and local budgets of 2024 to finance social items of budgets at all levels as a matter of priority.


Created to stimulate organizations and individual entrepreneurs to hire disabled people of groups I and II the legislations have been prepared for consideration in the second reading.


The Committee on Economic Policy, Budget and Finance reviewed in the first reading the law-in-draft on amendments to the law "On the Fundamentals of the Tax System in the PMR", which specifies the target purpose of the fee from citizens for the improvement of the city (village, town).


The relevant committee deputies prepared for consideration in the second reading the legislations prohibiting the use of lands not for intended purpose.


Deputies of the Committee on the APC, Transport, Construction and Natural Resources considered the law-in-draft on the introduction of the Law "On Compulsory Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners".


The law-in-draft of deputies on the softening of the current norms of the Law “Special Tax regime – simplified taxation system” was considered today at the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, Budget and Finance.


Deputies of the Committee on Social Policy and Healthcare prepared for consideration in the second reading a draft of a new state program for the prevention and treatment of HIV infection, viral hepatitis B and C, and sexually transmitted infections. Amendments to the labor legislation have also been prepared for the second reading.


A package of 10 legislations accompanying the law-in-draft "On the introduction of the Urban Development Code of the PMR" was considered today by deputies at a meeting of the parliamentary Committee on Regional Policy, Local Self-Government, Housing and Public Utilities.


Deputies of the Committee on Legislation, Protection of Citizens' Rights and Freedoms have prepared legislations for consideration in the second reading that improve the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code.

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