The Supreme Council
of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Official Website

Последние новости


Deputies of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Public Associations and the Media considered the “Development of the State Educational Institution “Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko” for 2025-2029” state target program.


Deputies of the Committee on Education, Public Associations and Media heard a report on the implementation of “The Development Strategy of PSU named after Shevchenko for the period 2019-2023” state target program


Deputies considered a report on the implementation of the state target program “Textbook” in 2023 at the regular meeting of the Committee on Education, Public Associations and Media.


Amendments to the PMR Law “On Education” were developed by deputies of the relevant parliamentary Committee Igor Buga, Andrei Safonov and Pavel Shinkaryuk.


The Parliamentary Committee on Education, Public Associations and Mass media held a meeting. The agenda included the legislations prepared for consideration in the first or second readings at plenary sessions and relating to the field of general education, including preschool education, as well as information protection in Pridnestrovie.

Committee on Public Associations, Sports, Information and Youth Policy