The Supreme Council
of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

Official Website

Prohibition of the term "transnistria"


It will be prohibited in Pridnestrovie to use the term "transnistria" if it is used publicly or in the media in relation to the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The corresponding 3 legislations sent by the PMR President in the legislative necessity mode were adopted by the Supreme Council.

The purpose of the amendments to the legislation was explained personally by Vadim Krasnoselsky. According to the PMR President, the term "transnistria" is equivalent to a manifestation of Nazism and is an extremist activity, since the term is associated with the period of the Romanian-fascist occupation and the Holocaust.

It was called "transnistria" during the Great Patriotic War, when Romania occupied the current territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. There were mass deportations and persecutions of the local population, including the Jewish population, which left a heavy imprint on the people's memory at that time. The use of this term today can be perceived as disrespect for the victims of these events and as an attempt to distort historical memory, the explanation to the legislations says.

"For me personally, the term "transnistria" has transformed from the concept of "territory beyond the Dniester" into a term that stands for hunger, devastation, murder, blood, killing of people, the Holocaust. When we are called "transnistria", this is deeply offensive for me personally as a citizen of Pridnestrovie, an internationalist. " said PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The changes were adopted in 3 laws, taking into account the clarifying amendments of the Committee on Legislation, Protection of Rights and Freedoms of Citizens. These are the laws "On Combating Extremist Activity", "On Perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Tourists arriving in our republic will be informed about the new legislation.

The provisions banning the use of the name "transnistria" in relation to Pridnestrovie will come into force 14 days after the signing by the President. Administrative liability will apply for using the term "transnistria" in a public speech, a publicly displayed work or in the media when the changes come into force. This will be equated to a manifestation of Nazism.

A fine of 10 to 20 minimum wages (from 184 to 368 rubles) or administrative arrest for up to 15 days – for citizens. For officials – from 10 to 40 minimum wages (from 184 to 736 rubles), for legal entities –  from 100 to 500 minimum wages (from 1840 to 9200 rubles). Administrative liability will not occur if the term "transnistria" is used to form a negative attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and extremism. There are no signs of propaganda or justification of Nazi and extremist ideology at the same time.