Deputies of the Supreme Council adopted in the second final reading law-in-draft of the Supreme Court allowing certain categories of citizens to have the right to judicial protection without paying a state fee. We are talking about complaints in cases of referral to a medical-labor sanatorium; on extending the period of stay in a medical-labor sanatorium; on involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric institution or on extending the period of hospitalization; on involuntary psychiatric examination; on forced hospitalization in medical anti-tuberculosis organizations for mandatory examination and treatment.
Cassation and supervisory complaints against court decisions are returned to this category of citizens in most cases, including in connection with non-payment of the state fee (its amount is about 25 rubles). The Supreme Council agreed with the Supreme Court to abolish the state fee, thereby guaranteeing citizens the right to judicial protection in any case.
The law-in-draft on amendments to the law "On state fee" after signing will come into force on January 1.
Parliamentarians in addition adopted amendments in the final reading providing for the possibility of sending court notices through the State Information System "Interdepartmental Electronic Document Management" to state authorities and administration bodies, state bodies and organizations, as well as their territorial and structural divisions. This norm was supplemented by the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
Amendments and additions were made to the law "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" on the introduction of alternative methods of notifying participants in arbitration proceedings. It will be possible to publish on the official website of the Arbitration Court the information on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the debtor without initiating bankruptcy proceedings. The adopted legislations will come into force on the day following the day of official publication.