Deputies of the Committee on Social Policy and Healthcare considered the Government's law-in-draft improving the system of remuneration of medical workers. It is proposed to establish the possibility of paying them an allowance for the qualification category in the event of a transfer to another position: the head of a medical institution, his deputies or to the position of heads of structural divisions of a medical institution, as well as when transferring to another medical specialty. A specialist with higher professional education in the field of health care and medical sciences should receive such an allowance for the first 3 years of work in a new position according to the concept of the law-in-draft.
The Government's initiative was supported by deputies when discussing the law-in-draft, but taking into account the amendments of the Committee. Thus, the deputies propose to provide for a 3-year payment of the bonus for the category when moving to a management position or the position of deputy. According to the deputies, the bonus for the qualification category should be paid until the end of the validity period of the existing qualification category in the event of an employee's transfer to another position of a specialist in the field of healthcare and medical sciences. The deputies of the relevant committee decided to recommend adopting the Government's law-in-draft in two readings at once at the next plenary session taking into account the amendments.
Similar changes concerning the payment of bonuses were adopted by the Supreme Council in the field of education at the end of last year.